Revisiting frontend and web design

I just wanted to throw together a shitty frontend for some data i scraped - thing is… I didn't want to use libraries. So here I am, a few month in, building my own react-ish frontend framework. Good thing there's not enough of those out there yet, right? But hey, for some reason reinventing slightly shittier wheels is a lot of fun to me.

Intuitively, the whole shebang can be split into 3 parts

  1. Building a DOM tree
  2. Updating the document DOM tree to match
  3. Supporting stateful components

My problem right now is: I got it running. But it's slow. I want to be as fast as the big players and I just don't get why I'm not getting there

Looking at the big players like react and all the tooling that goes along with it gives me enterprise fizzbuzz vibes 1. Whatever. The idea behind react is what's beautiful. All that complexity can be ignored by just looking at any of the smaller contenders. Mithril looks nice so let's use that


Oh boy… I want to rant and hate about enterprise architecture astronauting like that… it makes me feel the same as that 100k duct tape banana does. But whatever. It's overkill for my purposes and I don't have to use it. Let's ignore that this exists and think happy thoughts.